How Often Should You Clean Your Carpets?

Carpets are an essential part of any home or office, providing comfort and insulation while enhancing the aesthetics of the space. However, carpets can also be a source of indoor air pollution if they are not regularly cleaned. Dust, dirt, pet hair, and other allergens can accumulate in carpets over time, leading to respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues. Therefore, it is essential to keep your carpets clean and fresh. But the question is, how often should you clean your carpets?

It depends on the level of foot traffic in your space, but experts recommend having them professionally cleaned every 6-12 months. Contact Naturally Green Cleaning today to learn more about their carpet cleaning services and service areas by visiting

Factors That Determine How Often You Should Clean Your Carpets

The frequency of carpet cleaning depends on various factors, such as:

  • The amount of foot traffic in the space
  • The presence of pets in the space
  • The presence of young children in the space
  • The amount of dust and dirt in the environment
  • The color and material of the carpet

Let's look at each of these factors in more detail.

The Amount of Foot Traffic in the Space

The more foot traffic a space receives, the more often the carpets will need cleaning. This is because the foot traffic will cause dirt, dust, and other debris to be ground into the carpet fibers, making it difficult to remove with regular vacuuming. High-traffic areas, such as hallways, entryways, and living rooms, should be cleaned more frequently than low-traffic areas, such as bedrooms or guest rooms. As a general rule, high-traffic areas should be cleaned at least once every six months.

The Presence of Pets in the Space

If you have pets in your home or office, you should clean your carpets more often. Pets shed hair, dander, and other debris that can accumulate in your carpets, causing respiratory problems and other health issues. Additionally, pets may have accidents on the carpets, which can leave stains and odors that require professional carpet cleaning to remove. If you have pets, it's recommended to clean your carpets every three to six months, depending on the number and size of your pets.

The Presence of Young Children in the Space

If you have young children in your home or office, you should clean your carpets more often. Children are more susceptible to respiratory problems and other health issues caused by indoor air pollution. Additionally, young children are more likely to spill food and drinks on the carpets, which can leave stains and odors. It's recommended to clean your carpets every three to six months if you have young children in the space.

The Amount of Dust and Dirt in the Environment

The amount of dust and dirt in the environment can also affect how often you should clean your carpets. If you live in an area with high levels of air pollution, such as near a busy road or industrial area, your carpets will accumulate more dust and dirt, which can lead to respiratory problems and other health issues. Additionally, if you live in an area with high levels of pollen or other allergens, you may need to clean your carpets more frequently to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. It's recommended to clean your carpets every six months to a year if you live in a relatively clean environment, but if you live in a high-pollution or high-allergen area, you should clean your carpets every three to six months.

The Color and Material of the Carpet

The color and material of your carpet can also affect how often you should clean it. Light-colored carpets show dirt and stains more easily than dark-colored carpets, so they may need to be cleaned more frequently to maintain their appearance. Additionally, some materials, such as wool, may require more frequent cleaning than synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester. It's recommended to clean light-colored carpets every six months and darker carpets every year. If you have wool carpets, you may need to clean them every three to six months.

How to Clean Your Carpets

There are several methods for cleaning carpets, including:

  • Vacuuming
  • Shampooing
  • Dry cleaning
  • Steam cleaning

The method you choose will depend on your budget, the type and condition of your carpets, and your personal preferences. Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.


Vacuuming is the most basic and cost-effective method for cleaning carpets. Regular vacuuming can help remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the carpet fibers, reducing the need for morefrequent deep cleaning. It's recommended to vacuum your carpets at least once a week, but high-traffic areas may require more frequent vacuuming.


Shampooing is a method of deep cleaning carpets that involves applying a cleaning solution to the carpet, agitating it with a brush or machine, and then vacuuming up the solution and dirt. Shampooing can be effective for removing dirt and stains, but it can also leave behind a residue that can attract more dirt over time. It's recommended to shampoo your carpets once or twice a year.

Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is a method of carpet cleaning that involves applying a dry cleaning solution to the carpet, agitating it with a machine, and then vacuuming up the solution and dirt. Dry cleaning is a low-moisture method that dries quickly and doesn't require a lot of downtime for the carpet. It's recommended for carpets that can't be exposed to moisture, such as certain types of wool or silk. It's recommended to dry clean your carpets once or twice a year.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is a method of deep cleaning carpets that involves using hot water and a cleaning solution to remove dirt and stains from the carpet fibers. The machine sprays the hot water and solution onto the carpet and then immediately extracts it, along with the dirt and debris, using a powerful vacuum. Steam cleaning is highly effective for removing dirt and stains and can also sanitize the carpet, killing bacteria and other germs. It's recommended to steam clean your carpets once or twice a year.


Q: Can I clean my carpets myself, or should I hire a professional?
A: While you can clean your carpets yourself using a rented machine, it's often more effective to hire a professional carpet cleaning service. Professionals have access to more powerful equipment and cleaning solutions that can remove more dirt and stains than a rented machine. Additionally, professionals have the expertise to choose the best cleaning method for your carpets based on their type and condition.
Q: How long does it take for carpets to dry after cleaning?
A: The drying time for carpets after cleaning will depend on several factors, including the method of cleaning, the humidity in the room, and the air circulation. Generally, carpets will take a few hours to dry after cleaning, but some methods, such as steam cleaning, may require longer drying times.
Q: Can carpet cleaning remove pet odors?
A: Yes, professional carpet cleaning can remove pet odors caused by urine, feces, and other pet-related accidents. Carpet cleaning services use specialized solutions and techniques to remove the odor-causing bacteria and other microorganisms from the carpet fibers.
Q: How can I extend the life of my carpets?
A: To extend the life of your carpets, you should vacuum them regularly, clean up spills and stains immediately, and avoid wearing shoes on the carpet. You should also use area rugs or mats in high-traffic areas to reduce wear and tear on the carpet fibers.


In conclusion, how often you should clean your carpets will depend on several factors, including the amount of foot traffic, the presence of pets or young children, the amount of dust and dirt in the environment, and the color and material of your carpet. As ageneral rule, it's recommended to vacuum your carpets at least once a week and deep clean them once or twice a year using a professional service or rented equipment. By keeping your carpets clean and well-maintained, you can improve their appearance, extend their lifespan, and create a healthier environment for you and your family.

Further Reading

If you're interested in learning more about carpet cleaning and maintenance, here are some resources you may find helpful:

  • Carpet and Rug Institute - Cleaning and Maintenance
  • HGTV - The 5 Most Popular Carpet Cleaning Methods
  • Consumer Reports - Toxic Chemicals in Your Carpet Cleaner
  • American Cleaning Institute - Carpet Care

By reading these articles and resources, you can learn more about the different methods of carpet cleaning, the pros and cons of each method, and tips for maintaining your carpets between cleanings. With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions about how often to clean your carpets and which cleaning method is best for your specific needs and preferences.

Shauna Crapp
Shauna Crapp

Total coffee aficionado. Infuriatingly humble pop culture practitioner. Avid beer ninja. Wannabe internet fanatic. Total tvaholic.